Transport Minister Winfried Hermann visits ARADEX AG on September 1st to personally inspect the finished vehicle, which was acquired with the help of the BW funding program for electromobility.
The minister clarifies the explosiveness of the ARADEX division with the following words: Electromobility is becoming increasingly important, especially in road freight transport. This is also urgently necessary, after all, this area is responsible for over a third of European, transport-related CO2 emissions. A lot more has to happen here in the future, as a reduction in CO2 emissions is opposed to a higher volume of goods traffic. The vehicles must therefore become even more efficient and lower in emissions .
ARADEX develops sustainable electric drive solutions for commercial vehicles, construction machinery and ships. Thanks to clever ideas on how to drive large “dirt extractors” more and more cleanly and, above all, more efficiently, as well as many years of experience in the field of drive electrification, ARADEX AG has been able to come up with more and more sophisticated technology developments in recent years. During the inspection of the fully electric small truck subsidized by the state, the minister once again underlined the great importance that electromobility will have in the future by emphasizing that around a third of all greenhouse gases in the country are attributable to traffic – a significant proportion of which falls on freight traffic, for which ARADEX offers solutions. ARADEX places a particularly large focus on efficient drive solutions with optimized electric motors and precise power electronics. Due to the high degree of precision and the optimal coordination of all components with one another and with the planned purpose of a vehicle, ARADEX enables highly specialized applications with above-average efficient energy balances. Transport Minister Hermann therefore describes the ARADEX developments in the field of electrical drive technology as “particularly valuable”.
The tour started with an informative part, during which the board of directors of ARADEX AG exchanged ideas about electromobility with the minister and CDU state secretary Norbert Barthle. The main topics discussed were the fundamental importance of electromobility, its funding opportunities as well as developments that have already been achieved and those that are intended for the future with regard to the energy transition. CEO Schlingmann made clear the overriding goal that electric mobility must become cheaper in the long term than diesel operation. In this context, the great potential of fuel cell solutions was also discussed, for which ARADEX developed an efficient and well-proven DC / DC technology for connecting the fuel cell to the drive system. Here ARADEX is currently working on a new series of DC / DC converters based on SiC, which should further increase the already high efficiency. Furthermore, the new series should have a smaller construction volume.
In addition, the promising growth plans of ARADEX were presented at the meeting: While ARADEX currently employs around 70 people, a doubling of the workforce and sales is planned within the next three years.
This was followed by a tour including a test drive of the new electric pick-up truck and a joint barbecue with part of the ARADEX workforce.