ARADEX has supported the Lorcher Mörike daycare center for several years now in the area of basic scientific education as part of a research partnership. Recently, the children were once again able to enjoy an interesting excursion. Together with ARADEX co-founder Rolf Speer, the children visited the Schorndorf Knowledge Workshop in March for two days, where numerous experiments could be conducted. Here the children were allowed to test, try and experiment for themselves and thus “learn” simple scientific basic laws themselves.The experiments revolved around the topics of solar power, wind power, movement, the formation of color impressions as well as the floating and sinking ability of various materials. In order to unite the fun and the learning factor, Mr. Speer explained the children’s self-discovered effects with simple explanations suitable for pre-school children. The excursion to the researcher factory met with great interest among the children – we hope that this could lay the foundations for interest in scientific contexts.