Product has been added for comparison.

Peak current AC:
Voltage range:
Continous power:
{"de":{"title":"Success Stories","config":[{"Übersicht":"overview"},{" Exemplarische Anwendungen":"examples"}]},"en":{"title":"Success Stories","config":[{"Overview":"overview"},{"Exemplary Applications":"examples"}]}}

Success stories by ARADEX

ARADEX has been offering inverters, DCDC converters and electric motors for mobile applications since 2009. Projects already implemented reflect a very wide range of different applications. With one thing in common: supporting our customers is part of our DNA. Below we show some exemplary applications and approaches on how you can create additional USPs for your customers with our technology functions. Feel free to contact us – the additional benefit for you and your customers is our focus.

Success stories

Projects implemented together with customers using image material from our customers.

Use cases

Applications we have implemented in a neutral presentation.

Case studies

Actual approaches where we provide technology functions for selected application areas. These can serve as a basis for your developments or considerations in order to create additional USPs for your customers.

Contact us!

We'd love to review your application and support you finding the right solution.