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Excavators – electrified: high energy savings and added value, pure electric and hybrid

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Approach: reduce energy consumption while increasing the benefits

Electric drives offer technologically advanced possibilities compared to purely hydrau-lic drives. In many applications, new or extended functions can be realized that in-crease the benefits for the machine user.

The challenge:

The goal was to achieve the greatest possible improvement in daily energy consump-tion with the least possible intervention in the machine design. This would reduce both time-to-market and development costs, while also quickly providing a mature overall solution.

The solution: electrify only the energy-relevant drives

An analysis of energy relevance and functional implementation led to the following result:

  • Excavator travel: where distances travelled are short, electrification is not usu-ally worthwhile. In the case of wheeled excavators and longer distances, an electromechanical solution is recommended.
  • Swing motion: this motion has high potential for recuperation and is prefera-bly implemented electromechanically.
  • Main lifting motion: implemented as a direct electro-hydraulic solution. An in-verter regulates a motor that operates a pump, which in turn is only responsi-ble for the lifting cylinder. The elimination of throttling via throttle valves and recuperation during lowering achieve major energy improvements.
  • Other movements: remain advantageously classic hydraulic. In other words, a (significantly smaller) hydraulic pump supplies various hydraulic movements via control valves.

Additional benefits: special functions through software directly in the inverter

The extended possibilities offered by the use of electrically controlled drives include, in particular, the option of measuring torque without additional sensors – purely from the internal measured variables in the inverter.

At ARADEX, we call this VirtualSensor and in recent years we have optimized this technology for use in mobile applications. In addition to use in electromechanical movements, there are also very clear possibilities for driving hydraulic pumps.

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